Why does my puppy get zoomies?

Updated 23 September 2024
Read time: 6 mins
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Written by Corinne Homer
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

Have you ever noticed your puppy will suddenly start running around like crazy? Do their legs splay out in all directions, sometimes with their tongue dangling out of their mouth and eyes widened? 

This can be funny for dog owners as it may seem your pup has gone mad - but believe it or not, there are reasons why puppies get zoomies so often. Read this article to get to grips with your whirlwind of a puppy, as we explain puppy zoomies and how to manage them safely. 


What are puppy zoomies?

Puppy, or dog zoomies are also known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods, or FRAPs, and they’re basically the term for when your dog suddenly starts running frantically, often in loops or in erratic directions. Dogs can get zoomies at all ages, especially high energy breeds - but in puppies you may notice it more often, as their bucketfuls of youthful energy can be too much for their small bodies to handle.

Signs of zoomies in puppies

It’ll be quite obvious if your puppy has zoomies - they will literally ‘zoom’ around with all the speed they can muster. The running will be erratic, with seemingly no idea of which direction they’re going in, usually with their tail between their legs and going in repetitive loops. 

Zoomies are usually short in duration, probably lasting only a couple of minutes before your pup will come to a natural stop, and they may flop down out of breath and exhausted.

What’s the difference between zoomies and regular puppy behaviour?

You may be wondering whether your puppy is experiencing zoomies, or just exhibiting the usual playfulness puppies are known for. You’ll know your pup has zoomies as instead of a playful, curious and exploratory demeanour, they’ll seem more ‘amped up’ and chaotic, and they’ll present the behaviours in the list above. 

To be clear, zoomies are normal for dogs, and especially puppies - you just might need some tips and techniques to handle it.


Why do puppies experience zoomies?

The basic reason for zoomies is a build-up of excess energy. Your pup is like a toddler, and occasionally will just have a burst of energy they don’t know what to do with; zoomies are simply an outlet.

However, other sensations can result in zoomies, such as anxiety or nervousness. Though a lack of stimulation can cause zoomies, so can overstimulation (confusingly!). Your puppy might be overwhelmed by the day and simply need to sleep.

Finally, environmental triggers. Your pup may get overly excited by things they’ve encountered - perhaps a bunch of dogs in the park, one of their own litter siblings coming to visit, a special human, or some animals they don’t often see (like cows).

Common times for puppies to get zoomies

As well as certain emotional triggers, it’s really common for pups to experience FRAPs at particular times: 

  • After a walk. You’d think they’d be tired or exhausted, but the endorphins puppies get from a walk/exercise can trigger zoomies.
  • After eating. Pups can get an energy rush from their tasty puppy food.
  • After a bath. Bath times can instigate a surge of endorphins, either because pup loves being clean or because they’re so happy the bath is over (!). 
  • Right before bed. Just like human toddlers, knowing they have to settle down can trigger a night-time zoomies episode in pups - and probably when you’re at your most tired!
  • After being spayed/surgery. Sometimes, as the lethargy subsides, puppies will feel a burst of energy after they’ve recovered from being spayed.


Managing puppy zoomies

So how do we calm a pooch down?! Though zoomies are totally normal and something so many puppies do, you might want to take the following steps to reduce or deal with them…

During zoomies…

>> The biggest tip is don’t chase after your puppy. Your pooch will absolutely see this as a game and you’ll never get them to slow down. Trying to intercept your puppy with a distraction will get better results. 

>> Give your puppy a chew. A nutritious dog chew isn’t just a fun treat, the action of chewing actually releases endorphins that are calming for a dog. Just be sure it’s one that is the right size for your puppy.

>> Redirect them with training commands. The most common command is “off”, most effective when quickly followed by another command to redirect them. Once your pup has learned how to ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘fetch’ and do other tricks, this can distract them from zoomies - especially if they know they’ll get a tasty dog treat for performing well. 

>> Get them to come to you. Another trick (if you’re outdoors) is to run away from your puppy using the command to come to you. If it works, this should divert them enough to halt the zoomies episode.

To reduce or prevent zoomies… 

  • Give your puppy an outlet. Knowing how much energy puppies have to contend with each day, you can give them lots of ways to channel it: take them for a walk, play with them frequently and ensure they get lots of fresh air. 

  • Provide mental stimulation. Have lots of toys about, including puzzle toys and things to play fetch or other games with. Also try to squeeze in regular bouts of training exercises with your pup throughout the day so they’re always learning new things.

  • Create a safe environment. Your home should feel safe for your puppy - lots of clutter, noise or strong smells can increase their anxiety. By keeping the house calm and tidy, and having a puppy-zone such as a dog bed, blanket area or crate, your pup can easily ground themselves during anxious times rather than become overwhelmed. Also, be aware of hazardous objects or breakable items and keep them out of reach, so your pup doesn’t accidentally hurt themselves when zooming. 

  • Try exposure therapy. If your pup’s zoomies are triggered by specific things (such as the postman, cats or a certain visitor at the door), try exposure to this trigger instead of avoiding it. Teaching them to be calm at these times, then rewarding them with a treat each time they settle, will condition them to associate these exciting scenarios with a need to be calm. 

  • Keep a daily routine for your puppy. A routined puppy is a zen puppy. Keep their daily schedule somewhat regular with set times for walks, feeding, toilet time and sleep, so your pup will relax, knowing what’s coming each day. Over time, they’ll feel more in control of their emotions. Some calming puppy treats might help, too (these are perfect for pups over 12 weeks’ old).


    Before your puppy rockets off again, here are some final questions answered about puppies and zoomies…

    Are zoomies good for puppies?

    Zoomies are a completely normal dog behaviour, especially for puppies. If your pup engages in zoomies - it simply means they’re having a burst of energy, and running around like crazy gives them a way to release it. In the end, it’s extra exercise for your pup!

    Do zoomies mean a dog is happy?

    Generally, a happy dog will engage in zoomies, but perhaps they’re not getting enough exercise or stimulation. Zoomies can also be a result of anxiety or nervousness. If you’ve tried giving your pup more exercise/playtime and you’re still concerned over their zoomie habits, it could be worth chatting to a vet. 

    At what age do puppy zoomies end?

    Puppies are a fan of zoomies because, just like human children, they have so much extra energy! There isn’t really an age when it ends, as zoomies can be very dependent on your dog’s personality, but usually as your pooch gets older and matures into an adult dog, they will do it less often.

    Should I ignore puppy zoomies?

    It’s best not to completely ignore your pup if they’re having zoomies. Though it can be funny to watch them ‘zoom’ for a few moments, try to redirect them through commands, play or distraction, especially if they’re in an environment (such as your home or someone else’s) where it isn’t appropriate for them to zoom.

    My puppy gets aggressive during zoomies?

    Sometimes dogs will growl or bark during zoomies, or even show aggression. If you’ve found your pooch seems stressed during zoomies, or is doing it so often that it’s impacting your daily routine, try giving them more physical and mental activity and see if this changes things. Visit your vet if the situation doesn’t improve.

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