Christmas is a big deal, with a lot of sensory distractions - especially if you walk around on all fours and are only one-to-three feet tall. For our canine best friends, the sudden onset of sparkly decorations, piles of gifts, lots of noisy visitors and persistent new food smells can be very overwhelming. It’s understandable that your pooch may be a little harder to control at this time of year, and you might worry about their wellbeing.
Keeping your dog at their safest and calmest over the festive season is all down to simple preparation. By adding a few extra dog-proofing steps to your Christmas routine - from safely decorating your Christmas tree to making sure your dog is occupied at dinnertime - your pooch, and you in turn, can enjoy this hectic season more peacefully.
Read on for our top tips for dog-proofing your house over Christmas…
Dog-proofing your Christmas tree
First up: the tree. You might not consider your dog’s relationship with your Christmas tree until they come ‘fur to fir’ with each other in a stand off - then the questions will arise. “Do dogs like Christmas trees?”, “Will a real Christmas tree poison the dog?!” and “Are fake Christmas trees toxic to dogs?”.
Here are some dog-proof Christmas tree ideas to have pooch and tree living in harmony together until January.
What type of Christmas tree is the safest for dogs?
In general, dogs and Christmas trees should be kept a safe distance from each other, as whether it’s a natural or artificial tree you go for, there are various hazards.
A real tree
For some families, it’s hard to imagine going without a real tree. Luckily, the trees most often used at Christmas (fir, pine, spruce) are non-toxic to dogs, so it won’t be too much of an emergency if they have a curious chew. What could cause irritation or a tummy upset however, are the dropping pine needles or tree sap.
For this reason, even though real Christmas trees are generally safe to dogs, it’s a good idea to clean up the needles regularly, always supervise your pooch around the tree, and keep them apart with a gate or tree barrier.
An artificial tree
What about a fake tree? Artificial trees are usually made of plastic, but dogs still may chew on them and cause harm to themselves and the tree itself. Some artificial trees also come with a frosting of fake snow, which can be toxic to dogs. Again, it’s best to be safe and keep a barrier between your tree and the dog(s) in your home to avoid any ingestion which could lead to stomach upsets or blockages.
Use a Christmas tree guard
Pets getting at the Christmas tree is an age-old problem (we all know that cats love to climb), so tree barriers are widely available. This is to protect your dog from your Christmas tree, and vice versa. Though Christmas tree guards for dogs are a great solution, do supervise your dog around the tree anyway, and don’t leave them in the same room when you go out.
Go bare
When you first get out your Christmas tree, your dog may be very aware of its big, imposing and unfamiliar presence. Rather than intensify the strangeness by immediately hanging lights and sparkly objects from the tree, leave it bare for a few days. This gives your pooch time to get used to the change in environment, and will mean the transition to decorated tree will be less disruptive for them.
Dog-friendly decorating
When it comes to decorating, some pooch parents keep the bottom of the tree bare and only hang things on higher branches - or you can even get half trees for dogs that stay out of reach of paws, claws and gnashers.
If you want to decorate the whole tree, avoid edible decorations like popcorn strings and chocolate baubles - they will simply be too tempting for a dog. Delicate baubles that may smash should also be avoided or hung elsewhere, and real garlands (ivy or holly, for instance) should also be draped higher up, not in dog’s reach. This is especially true when it comes to puppies and Christmas trees - at this age, they are prone to destruction!
Distracting your dog from the Christmas tree
It can help to have distractions around so that you can train your dog to stay away from the tree. A special Christmas-themed toy could help - that you get out at particular times of day when your dog seems their most troublesome. Festive treats for dogs can also be used as a good training tool.
Keeping gifts under the tree
Piles of gifts are another evil temptation for a dog - most pooches know what gift wrapping is by a certain age and will be desperate to tear the boxes open. To save any tears or ruined surprises, it’s a good idea to keep gifts hidden away until Christmas morning. If this isn’t possible, at least keep them behind a barrier or gate.
Remember, you can keep dogs away from everyone’s gifts on Christmas day by giving them their own gifts to unwrap, like a Christmas hamper for dogs.

Christmas decorations that are unsafe for dogs
You can keep fancy decorations out of reach of your pooch, but there are some items that are particularly unsafe.
No open flames
Don’t keep any open flames where a pet could brush it or knock it over, such as Christmas candle displays or intricate light set-ups.
Electrical cords
Has your cheeky dog chewed the Christmas lights? More decorative lights means an abundance of electrical cords which dogs are often tempted to nibble. Keep an excess of cords neat, hidden or behind gates and barriers - as a safety precaution to your entire family as well as pets.
Edible decorations
As mentioned, chocolate baubles or candy strings are too tempting for pets to have hanging around. If you have edible decorations, keep them out of sight (and smell!) of your dog, or perhaps bring them out purposefully at the time your family will eat them.
Keeping your dog safe from festive plants
Christmas is the perfect time to adorn your rooms with festive foliage - holly, ivy, mistletoe - while still making sure they’re safe enough to be around a curious pooch. Though most Christmas plants are moderately safe and will only cause mild stomach upset, certain parts of plants (holly or mistletoe berries, for example) can be dangerous to dogs if munched in large amounts.
So long as you supervise your dog around Christmas plants, hang them well out of reach and deter your pooch from eating any should they try it, they should be fine. So that you’re in the know about which plants are safest, here’s a rundown of which Christmas plants are toxic to dogs.
If you’re uncertain about whether you can trust your dog around festive plants, it’s best to be on the safe side and go without.

Keeping your dog away from the dinner table at Christmas
We tend to eat and eat at Christmas time - and our dogs will get FOMO. With so many delicious aromas and a sense of occasion around the dinner table, your pooch will make it known that they want to be involved.
Here’s how to keep your dog occupied so you can enjoy your festive meal in peace.
If your dog usually has a spot they stay in at dinnertime, keep to routine. Changing it up now might just confuse them, and they’re more likely to behave themselves if they stick to what they know.
If they’re disruptive while you’re eating, you could have your dog eat their meal in a different room so that you can enjoy dinner without interruption. If they’re calmer in the same room as you, try serving them their meal in a corner, and comfort them with toys or a treat.
Serve your pooch a special Christmas meal for dogs, don’t just scrape your leftovers into their bowl as it’s likely too fatty and sugary for them. Giving them the right food will ensure they won’t feel lethargic and have a tummy upset come the evening (even if you do!). Here’s a list of which Christmas foods dogs can safely eat.
Tell your guests not to sneak any table scraps to your pooch - even when your dog is begging and being very cute.
Walk them just before. For maximum likelihood that your dog will chill out for a while during dinner, take them for an extra walk before you eat.
My dog gets excitable at Christmas - what do I do?
It makes sense that your dog might be a bit on edge at Christmas - it’s an exciting yet overstimulating time for most of us. By introducing new things slowly, reassuring your dog and keeping to a regular routine, they should handle the festive season relatively smoothly. Read on for some tips to keep your dog calm over Christmas.
I don't have a dog but have one visiting for Christmas - what do I do?
Do you not have a dog but have just heard the news that you have one coming round for Christmas? Well don’t panic - we’ve got your back!
Of course, your dog pawrent friends have probably already told you everything that goes into housing a dog, and how they’ve adapted their own house to keep them safe and happy. It may be second nature for them as dog owners, but what about someone whose house has remained dog-free?
Christmas can already be a stressful time of year for everyone, so as a non-dog owner who will have one around for Christmas, a good start would be following the advice this article. This will help you ensure your doggy visitor remains safe and sound during this year’s festivities!
In addition to our advice, there are a couple more things you can do around your home to avoid accidents.
- Hiding wires and exposed electricals. No matter their age, some dogs have a tendency to still explore the world with their mouths, even when it comes to wires, tv remotes and game controllers. To avoid any nasty accidents, be sure to hide away any exposed wires they’d be tempted to nibble on, and put any devices out of reach.
- Moving any valuables out of harm’s way. Speaking of devices, they’re not the only thing that may look like a chew toy to your doggy visitor! Who knows, they might even sneak upstairs on the hunt for your brand new pair of slippers whilst everyone’s watching some Christmas telly. So, anything you don’t want chewed or sniffed at, be sure to hide away whilst your doggy visitor is in situ.
- Moving any house plants. Most houseplants are fine around dogs, but others can cause somewhat of a threat when ingested - especially festive ones! Just to be safe, you can move any house plants that are dog height, and take necessary precautions to protect your Christmas tree. For more of a deep dive, check out our list of Christmas plants that are poisonous to dogs.
- Blocking off any hiding spots. What you don’t want is Christmas dinner interrupted by the distant whines of a dog that has got themselves wedged in a tricky position. Take a moment to view your home from the perspective of a pooch - blocking off any small spaces they may be tempted to crawl in and cause havoc.
- Check your garden for holes and escape routes. There will come a time when your garden will transform into their potty area (better than doing it on your new rug!). That said, before their arrival, double-check your garden for any gaps in the fences or potential escape routes, any debris they might want to get their chops around, and any potentially toxic plants that may need temporary covering.
- Check for doggy allergies. Amidst the preparation, you may be thinking of getting some dog treats to make your doggy guest feel at home - a nice gesture since Christmas can be an overwhelming time for them. If you are thinking of stocking up on treats, be sure to speak to their pawrent to find out any potential allergies or no-gos. Be sure also to pass the information on to your other guests.
- Speak to your other guests. On that, be sure to let other guests know you’ll be joined by a dog - just to check everyone is okay with it, and to let them know if any dos and don’ts to keep the pooch safe and happy. This way, you can make other preparations, like creating a separate area for the doggy visitor and ensuring a day without any added hiccups.
How to calm your dog down at Christmas
To help make for a chilled-out pooch -
- Keep to their regular routine
- Reassure your pooch during overstimulating events
- Occupy your dog with a few smartly dispensed, calming dog treats
- Ensure your dog has a peaceful, quiet space to retreat to when necessary.
Lots of visitors
Having more people in the house than usual can send your dog into overdrive. Be sure to take them into a calm, empty space if they need a moment, or distract them with toys and calming dog food.
Santa outfits
Dogs won’t always know that Santa is likely a family member dressed up - be ready to pull off a beard if necessary so your dog knows they needn’t be on guard!
Flashing lights and noisy environment
Some decorations are too noisy or flashy for certain dogs to deal with - for instance, a singing Santa figure could trigger a frightened barking fit. If this is the case, you might want to only set off these decorations for visitors when the dog is in another room, or switch them off most of the time if it causes too much stress to your pooch.
Opening gifts
Giving your dog some calming dog treats or letting them unwrap their own Christmas gift for dogs will be a great distraction for your pooch during gift-giving time. This way your dog can feel they’re included without disrupting the fun.
During Christmas dinner
To avoid your dog feeling left out, be sure your dog gets a special meal like the rest of the family by dishing up a doggy Christmas dinner when you’re eating. Keep to your regular meal-time routine and maybe give them a calming dog treat or two so they know to behave or better yet, get them in on the festive cheer with our Christmas Cheese Fondue treats!
Fireworks aren’t exactly dogs’ best friends, and they’re likely to go off at random periods throughout Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Consider some calming dog food, supervise and comfort them, and of course, keep them indoors during firework displays.
Leaving your dog alone
If you have to leave your dog alone for a short time over the Christmas period, be sure they have the safety of their regular blankets, crate or den, comforting toys and perhaps some gentle dog music. Use a baby gate or dog barriers to be sure they stay in rooms away from hazardous Christmas decorations or plants, and don’t stay out for hours, if possible.
In summary…
There’s a lot to manage at Christmas, but so long as you set boundaries for your pooch (physical as well as behavioural) while making efforts to involve them in activities and offer doggy-safe spaces, they should stay happy and calm over the festive season. Keep hazards out of reach, feed them healthy festive dog food that sits well with their tums, and reassure them with their own toys and gifts so they can join in with the family fun over Christmas.
To keep your dog happy, healthy and calm over the Christmas period, take a look at our calming grain-free food for dogs. Or for a special treat, browse our doggy Christmas gift boxes.
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