What Human Food Can Dogs Eat & What Foods Are Toxic?

Updated 01 March 2024
Read time: 6 mins
article author
Written by Elle Padgham
Lead Copywriter

Any pooch parent will know how hard it is to ignore your favourite four legged friend as they longingly stare at you anytime you eat a snack or when you sit down for a meal. While it’s difficult to ignore your pooch and not share your food, it is important to keep in mind that not all human foods are suitable for dogs and in some instances can be dangerous for dogs.

On the other hand, there are some human foods that are perfectly safe for dog consumption and can make a delicious and nutritious snack.

While it’s important to ensure your dog mostly sticks to their doggy diet, sometimes it’s nice to share a healthy human snack with them too!

There’s a variety of healthy human foods that are safe for your pooch to eat, as long as you consider a few points:

  • As with any food, feed in moderation
  • Keep your dog's specific dietary requirements/allergies in mind
  • Make sure the food size is suitable for your dog to eat

Read on to find out which foods are OK for sharing in moderation and which should be avoided.

Human food that is good for dogs


Carrots rich in fibre, biotin, potassium and beta-carotene which produces vitamin A, its true that carrots help improve eyesight. Vitamin A supports the eye in converting light into brain signals resulting in improved vision in low light. Beyond supporting eye health, the high levels of Vitamin A found in carrots support our dogs immune systems and promote a healthy skin and coat.

All of our tasty wet food recipes contain carrots to support a thriving immune system. 

Not only are carrots healthy for pooches, crunching on a carrot is great for your dog's teeth.


Pumpkin is a healthy human food for dogs. It's rich in fatty acids, which are important for skin and coat health. Pumpkin also contains natural antioxidants and minerals, making it great for digestion; which is why it's often used in high-quality dog foods. 

Sweet potato

Sweet potato is a great example of foods dogs can eat. Naturally high in dietary fibre, sweet potato can aid your dog’s digestive health; that's why you'll find it in Pooch & Mutt functional foods! They also contain Vitamins B6 and C and are low in fat, making them a great shareable human snack. As a side note; while you’re cooking up some sweet potatoes, you can even use them to make your pooch their very own indestructible toy.

Green beans

Green beans are a dog-friendly human treat. They're rich in vitamins (especially B vitamins) and contain omega-3 fatty acids. They’re also a good source of calcium, copper, fibre, folic acid, iron, manganese and potassium. As long as they're plain (no added salt!) your dog can enjoy green beans in any form; steamed, canned, even raw. 


Cucumbers are rich in vitamins and minerals and are a great refreshing snack (for you and your dog!). They're a particularly good choice for overweight dogs, as they hold very little fat, oils and carbohydrates.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and niacin, which helps regulate the digestive system. It also contains vitamin E, which is important for maintaining your dog's healthy skin and coat. But a word of warning, be careful which brand you choose! Make sure your peanut butter of choice doesn’t include Xylitol, as this ingredient is found in some brands and is toxic to dogs. 

Feel free to share the foods listed above with your pooch in moderate doses. If your pet has any allergies, or you have any other concerns regarding their diet, please contact your vet.



Apples are an excellent source of Vitamin A & C, as well as fiber for your pooch. Apples are also low in protein and fat making them a great snack for senior dogs too.
When feeding your dog an apple, make sure to remove the apple seeds and core.
You could even try freezing the apple to create a refreshing summer snack.



Blueberries are a safe and nutritious snack for dogs. Blueberries are a superfood and rich in antioxidants which prevents cell damages in dogs. Apart from this, they also contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre bringing lots of benefits to your pooch’s health.

Teaching your dog some new tricks? Why not try using blueberries as a tasty reward.

Did you know our Pooch & Mutt Turkey & Chicken wet food contains blueberries that are rich in vitamin K which the body needs to help wounds to heal. There's also anecdotal evidence that vitamin K supports strong and healthy bones.




Both cranberries and dried cranberries are safe for dogs to eat in small quantities.

Sweet tasting cranberries can actually help to improve your dog's bladder health, reducing the risks of UTIs. These tiny berries can also reduce tartar and plaque build up leading to healthier gums and have anti-bacterial benefits. The anti-bacterial benefits of cranberries have even been known to help prevent cancer, among other illnesses and ailments. 

Our Superfood range combines chicken with a whole host of superfoods including cranberries.



Dogs can eat both raw and cooked broccoli in moderation. 

Broccoli is an excellent source of both fibre and protein. It contains a whole host of vitamins (A, C, E and K) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium) that help keep our dogs bones strong and hearts healthy.

It also contains many antioxidants that work to reduce inflammation in the body. Naturally occurring lutein is known to support eye and heart health too.

When feeding your pooch broccoli, make sure to remove the stalks beforehand.


Harmful & toxic foods for dogs


Chocolate is a delicious sweet treat for humans, but is poisonous for dogs.
Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine which are two stimulants that dogs cannot efficiently metabolize.

Dark chocolate tends to contain more theobromine than milk chocolate so is more poisonous for dogs but all types of chocolate should be avoided.

Grapes & Raisins

Grapes and Raisins are toxic for dogs even in small quantities, so it’s important to not feed your pooch any of these.


Onions in every form (dry, raw and cooked) as well as leeks and any vegetable from the onion family are poisonous to dogs.

They contain N-propyl disulfide, a compound that is toxic to dogs as it can damage your pooch’s red blood cells, reducing the cell’s ability to carry oxygen around the body.

Artificial Sweetener

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is found in lots of different types of products such as baked goods and sweets.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can affect your dog's muscles and nervous system so are best avoided.


What to do if your dog has consumed harmful foods

If your dog consumes any of these foods even in small amounts, it is important to act quickly and take them to the vets.

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