5 rainy day activities to enjoy with your dog

Updated 29 May 2024
Read time: 2 mins
article author
Written by Elle Padgham
Lead Copywriter

A golden retriever dog in a pair of olive green wellies, against a yellow backdrop


We may be in the midst of 'summer', but these rainy days certainly don’t feel like it! The wet weather can be a mood-kill for both you and the pooch, and a little light relief could be what you need to bring back the fun.

We’ve pulled together a few ideas for some bonding time during those miserable rainy days:


1. Learn new tricks

Learning new tricks, games and commands can take time, but if you’re rained-in then you have all the time in the world! It’s the perfect way to keep bored minds busy, and you can perform to friends and family to show them what a clever little pooch you have. Take a look at our 12 Enrichment Games blog piece for inspiration.


A brown and tan dog giving their paw, against a pale pink backdrop

2. A Spaw Day 

Yes, pooches love a pamper too! Pull together a pamper pack of doggo shampoo and conditioner, paw & nose balm, toothbrush and meaty toothpaste, their favourite grooming brush and a scented spritz to finish off. Incorporate a lovely relaxing dog massage (there’s loads of videos on YouTube so you know you’re doing it correctly), and add in a few treats from our Calm & Relaxed range to help them feel extra zen. They will look, feel and smell amazing!


3. Retail therpawpy

Why not treat them to a new toy and take them to their local pet store for a rummage round? They can sniff out a new favourite toy, and play around with the different squeaks, squarks and sensory stimulants of their surroundings. There’s also plenty of hooman stores that are dog-friendly, so you can spoil yourself too! Check out the ‘Dog-friendly retailers’ section of our Dogs and Hot Cars (the irony) blog post. 


4. Take turns with an indoor pooch play-date 

If they’re not getting their usual outdoor playtime with friends because of the rain, you could ask their furry friends round for the day! Your pooch can lead the way, and show their doggo BFFs all their toys and best places to run riot around the house. Take turns with the other pawrents, so the pooches can enjoy a new environment a day… and you can have some much needed relaxation after a house full of adorable floofs. 


Dalmatian dog playing tug with a rope toy, against a pale pink backdrop


5. Embrace the wet weather!

The usual way of rainy outdoor time is getting rain-coated up, and stomping through walkies as quickly as possible. But why not have a moment of madness, and allow yourself to get soaked through!? Play all the usual outdoor games, take a longer walk, and laugh at yourself and your pooch embracing the great British weather! You’ll feel liberated, energised and can look forward to a steaming hot shower and good book on your return (please share pics, this we would LOVE to see).

Comments (5)

I like to keep my two occupied for a bit on rainy days by hiding treats in the snuffle mat and getting them to forage.

Julia Smith - Aug 10 2023

NO 5 is the best !😄👍. I’ ve always enjoyed a good drenching with my dogs .

Margaret - Aug 10 2023

No 5 for me as I have 2 spaniels who love to bounce!! I was told along time ago that there is no such thing as bad weather just inappropriate clothing !!!

Susie - Sep 01 2023

Any tips on getting a dog to wear his raincoat? It’s my little dude’s first winter and he likes wearing his warm jumpers but I’m hoping to introduce him to the hooded raincoat soon. He had a bad time caught in an epic flash storm so I want us to be prepared for wet walks. (I know he might just give me a firm “no” and insist on staying out of the rain). We do love our weekly night in playing games and making up new tricks though: we take precisely one (1) day off a week if the weather is really bad or I’m really tired and even my 9 month old mad lad can handle that. I’m certainly going to suggest number 4 to our friend though!

Kas - Oct 03 2023
Pooch Admin

Hi Kas, we will be having a new blog post up soon which may be helpful with this! If he enjoys wearing his jumper currently, you may find he takes to wearing a raincoat really easily and might be worth trying it on your next rainy walk :)

Team Pooch - Oct 03 2023

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