Dog poo- What it can tell you about dog health

Updated 05 July 2024
Read time: 4 mins

While we may not like to talk about it, everybody poos! This, of course, includes our trustworthy canine companions. In fact, many owners are quite familiar with their fluffy friends’ stools, thanks to the fact that they are the ones picking them up and disposing of them on every walk. While ‘poo patrol’ may seem like a thankless task, it can actually provide some invaluable insight into our dogs’ overall health.


A normal dog poo should be solid in consistency so that you can pick it up cleanly off the ground without it becoming stuck or leaving a portion behind. Liquid poo is known as ‘diarrhoea’ and tells us that too much water is being lost via the digestive tract. However, it should not be rock hard or difficult to pass either. It should be easily ‘squished’ within the poo bag after being picked up; think of bread dough before it has been baked!

While the odd irregular poo may not be a big concern, when the issue is consistent, we should take a closer look at things. 

A change in consistency can have a number of causes.

Hard stool can be due to:

  • Dehydration or reduced fluid intake
  • A lack of fiber in the diet
  • A medical condition such as a pelvic injury or neurological disorder 

Sloppy stool may occur because of:

  • A bacterial imbalance in the gut
  • A dietary sensitivity or allergy
  • A dog eating something they shouldn’t have (such as rich human food or bones)
  • A medical condition such as liver disease or a viral infection


There is some degree of normal variation when it comes to poo colour and it can depend on what a dog has eaten that day. Some owners panic when they see green poos, for example, but this may simply mean that Fido has been chowing down on grass the previous day. All shades of brown are generally normal, but abnormal colours include:

  • White. Lack of color is a red flag and can indicate an issue with the digestive system, such as in the liver or gallbladder. This should be looked into right away.
  • Red. Even a few flecks of red are not normal. We can see a small amount of blood for many reasons (including parasitic infections, anal gland abscesses and rectal polyps) but it always warrants a trip to the vet.
  • Black. Black, tarry poo indicates bleeding from somewhere high up in the digestive tract, such as the stomach. The blood has been ‘digested’ turning it from red to black.
  • Bright yellow. In some cases, this colour can mean a liver problem, though I did once diagnose a Labrador puppy pooing yellow with a ‘Crayola crayon overload!’.

Little ‘Extras’

Sometimes when we are picking up our dog’s ‘mess’, we might find something we weren’t bargaining for such as:

Mucus. Mucus can be present and may look like slime or snot on the surface of the poo. This lets us know that there is inflammation and is one of the hallmarks of ‘colitis’. Colitis is an inflammation of the large bowel that many dogs will suffer from during their lifetime.

Worms. In heavy worm burdens, we can sometimes actually see these critters wriggling about. If alive, we need to get some good quality wormer on board stat! If the worms are dead and you have just given a wormer, this lets us know that the medicine has done its job.

‘Grains of rice’. Tapeworm segments can sometimes be seen in the poo. TOP TIP: If your dog has tapeworms, check them thoroughly for fleas as fleas can carry these nasty worms.


Without a doubt, all poo smells bad! Having said this, some poo can smell particularly foul. Those fed on poor quality diets often have a worse odour as some of the food is passed undigested. As a rule of thumb, the better the food, the less awful the stench.

The ‘perfect’ poo

So, what should your little one’s poo look like? Well, solid and chocolate brown with no ‘surprises’ on top is what we are looking for. Most dogs will go once or twice a day and they should not find it difficult to posture or pass the poo. 

How can we improve the appearance of our dog’s poo?

Poo health is, of course, closely linked to general health as well as gut health. Feeding high quality diets and avoiding inappropriate foods (such as rich human food and bones) goes a long way. 

Those prone to sloppy poos or other issues will often benefit from specific diets, such as food from our full range of dog food and treats for sensitive stomachs. Importantly, our food contains a good source of both prebiotics and probiotics, which will contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.  

If your dog’s poos are abnormal, it is very important to get a diagnosis, which usually means a check over and a faecal sample. In some cases, further tests such as specific blood tests and abdominal scans will be needed too. Once we know why the poo is irregular, we can then start to address the problem.

Comments (10)

Hello, I recently purchased some of the puppy food for my 14 week old Cocker Spaniel.
Since we’ve changed his food from Ava puppy food to yours his poo has been grey in colour. I’m not sure this is normal. Do you know why?

Laura Kershaw - May 31 2024
Pooch Admin

Hi Laura,
It is normal for there to be some change in your dogs stools initially when changing food, this should settle down after a few weeks and if you have any concerns please do reach out to the team on [email protected] :)

Team Pooch - May 31 2024

Whenever I give my puppy pooch and mutt kibbles, her poop is bright green color. If I stop kibble and give her the wet food, her poop is back to normal light brown or brown color. Is there any ingredient that can do this or should I stop the kibble as it doesn’t suit her stomach?

Dheepa - Jun 11 2024
Pooch Admin

Hi Dheepa,

Sometimes green stools can be when your pooch has eaten some grass, or the additional probiotics in our food can cause this. If the stools are firm, we wouldn’t be too concerned. If you would like to discuss this further, please do reach out to the team on [email protected] :)

Team Pooch - Jun 11 2024

Hi Laura/Team Poch , my pup has the same issue – grey/nearly black poo in the week since changing from royal canin! We even asked the vet we were so concerned. Is this a regular comment you get for your puppy food please? Is it one of the ingredients? Fortunately the vet having seen it and examined our 16 week old thought it odd, but gave us some prescription diet food for 3 days, so it’ll be interesting to see if it changes …

Jennie - Aug 15 2024

We have an 11 year old shih tzu. Who has always eaten proper meat not actual dog food (this was his previous owners decision). Up until recently his poo was normal and squishy but it has now changed to mousse like. Should we get him checked over? He is still eating and drinking normally

Claire - Aug 15 2024

My puppy is now 5 months and we’ve swapped onto you puppy kibble, however he has had loss stools for 3 days, will this settle down or do I need to change?

Chelsea Lilley - Aug 15 2024
Pooch Admin

Hi Claire,
We would advise speaking with your vet on this, just to rule out any potential health issues and hopefully your vet will be able to help here.

Team Pooch - Aug 15 2024
Pooch Admin

Hi Chelsea,
Severe loose stools this soon after changing can indicate there is an intolerance to one of the ingredients, if you have done a gradual transition over. Many pups are becoming intolerant to chicken and you can look at our Health & Digestion dry food instead, which is fish based and contains additional ingredients to aid in firm stools. If you would like to discuss this further, please do reach out to the team on [email protected] :)

Team Pooch - Aug 15 2024
Pooch Admin

Hi Jennie,
We reached out to vet Linda for advice on this and she has advised: “Stool can be a wide range of shades of brown and some dogs will have darker brown stool. This can be accentuated if the stool is dry, which is often the case during warmer weather.
High protein diets and those with lots of meat naturally cause a darker stool too.”
Our puppy dry food does contain a high protein content, which could be a reason behind the change in stool colour. If you would like to discuss this further at all, do reach out to the team on [email protected] :)

Team Pooch - Aug 15 2024

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