Can dogs eat Bread?

Updated 29 May 2024
Read time: 6 mins
article author
Written by Corinne Homer
article author
Reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

Yes, dogs can eat plain, unbuttered bread without any real risk. However, bread really has no nutritional benefit for a hungry pooch, so it’s best to find alternatives!

In this article, we’ll go through all of your bread-based questions and discuss the potential risks of feeding bread to your dog.

Is bread good for dogs?

No, bread isn’t good for dogs, there are no health benefits. Though there may be some benefits for humans if the bread is made with multigrains, it’s very high in carbohydrates for a dog, can be very bloating, and their digestive system can’t really handle it. Bread in all its various forms could also contain extra ingredients which might not sit well with a dog’s tum.

When is bread unsafe for dogs?

It’s unsafe to feed a dog large quantities of bread. If you feed them a small amount, it’s unlikely to cause harm. However, as bread is so diverse, it could contain ingredients (wheat, onion, garlic, chilli, etc.) that wreak havoc on a dog’s delicate digestive system. It’s best to avoid bread for your dog altogether if you can, and feed them more nutritious and filling options.

Can puppies eat bread?

No, puppies shouldn’t eat bread. There’s no nutritional benefit to puppies, so stick to nutritious ingredients that will support their growth - such as those found in healthy, grain-free food for puppies.

Can dogs be allergic to bread?

Yep - dogs can be allergic to bread because of the high gluten content, or because it contains grains such as wheat or rye. Some bread contains garlic or onions, which is toxic to dogs.

Can bread make dogs sick?

A small piece of white or brown bread might cause a dog no problems, but in general yes, bread can make dogs sick if you feed it to them regularly. They could become unwell because of the ingredients in the bread, or because you’ve given them too much and they’re finding it hard to digest.

Be aware of the following symptoms after giving bread to your dog, and be sure to avoid feeding them bread in future if you spot them.
  • Diarrhoea or vomiting
  • Bloating, gas or stomach pain
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing
  • Lethargy or behavioural changes
  • Swelling, redness, rashes or itchy skin

How to safely give bread to your dog?

You shouldn’t give bread to your dog, but if you do, make sure it’s plain bread without butter or toppings. If they’ve eaten a small piece of white or brown bread, it shouldn’t be toxic or dangerous, but keep an eye on them for any adverse digestive reactions.

What kinds of bread can dogs eat?

Dogs shouldn’t really eat bread, however some bread varieties are riskier than others. Here are some answers to your questions about dogs eating different types of bread.

Can dogs eat brown bread?

Some vets recommend feeding brown bread for a short while if, for example, your pooch has eaten something sharp or needs some extra fibre. It isn't the worst food in the world, but isn't something to be giving your dog daily (unless suggested for specific health reasons by a professional).

Can dogs eat garlic bread?

No. Definitely avoid feeding your pooch buttery garlic bread - garlic is an ingredient that dogs’ tummies simply can’t digest. Garlic is toxic to dogs as it’s part of the allium family, along with chives and onions.

Can dogs eat seeded bread?

Seeded bread isn’t exactly bad for dogs, but it does introduce some risk if you don’t know how your dog reacts to seeds. A lot of seeded bread contains a mixture of seeds and nuts, which can be tough on a dog’s tum and digestion. If your pooch eats a piece of seeded bread, keep an eye on them afterwards in case they have trouble digesting or experience toilet trouble.

The same rules apply to the following kinds of bread. Keep an eye on them if they’ve eaten a piece, but it shouldn’t pose any inherent risk:

  • Naan bread* (plain)
  • Rye bread* (plain)
  • Pitta bread* (plain)

*Note all of the above breads should be served plain, do not feed any flavoured breads to dogs.

Can dogs eat sourdough bread?

It’s not recommended that dogs eat sourdough bread. Sourdough contains extra live ingredients that contribute to yeast cultures, and this process can continue in a dog’s digestive system. A small piece of sourdough is unlikely to do harm, but it’s better to feed plain white bread to a dog, or no bread at all.

Can dogs eat banana bread?

Banana bread is generally not recommended for dogs as it usually contains a high amount of sugar and butter, as well as potential added ingredients such as nuts or chocolate (which is toxic to dogs, we’re sure you know). If they eat a small piece of organic banana bread made with safe ingredients it’s unlikely to cause harm, but don’t feed it as a regular food - it’s more of a human treat.

Can dogs eat bread crust?

A couple of crusts thrown into your dog’s bowl won’t do your dog harm, but it won’t give them any nutrition either. If you want to be sure your dog’s on a wholesome, nutritious diet, avoid feeding them bread products.

Can dogs eat toast?

Again, there’s unlikely to be any harm in feeding your dog a small piece of plain toast, but it doesn’t benefit your dog. Toast covered in jam or butter should be avoided, it’s too high in sugar and fat. Opt for something healthy and filling for your dog’s snacks instead (suggestions later in the article!).

Can dogs eat bread sticks?

Plain bread sticks put into your dog’s food for some crunch won’t do them harm, but again, it’s empty of nutrients. If you want your pooch to get some crunchy goodness, opt for carrot sticks or a handful of dry food.

Can dogs eat stale bread?

The safest bread for dogs is actually a few days old. The freshest bread may cause bloating and is stodgier to eat, so if your dog has eaten slightly stale bread, it’s not too much of an issue. This is not the case, of course, if the bread is mouldy and well past its best.

Can dogs eat gluten-free bread?

In general, bread isn’t a recommended food for dogs, but if they’ve snaffled some gluten-free bread (plain, without butter), it shouldn’t cause them any immediate harm.


Overall, bread isn’t toxic to dogs if it’s unbuttered and plain, but it’s not recommended as a regular snack for dogs either. Bread can cause issues with a dog’s digestion, particularly if it contains grains. If you’re looking to give your dog a filling meal, look to feed lean proteins and nutritious veggies instead.

What other foods can dogs safely eat?

If you’re keen for your dog to fill up on tasty whole foods, consider the following instead of bread:
  • Carrots are full of vitamins and minerals, and are an easily digestible snack.
  • Apple is a sweet treat, full of fibre and vitamins.
  • Grain-free food with fish, potato and peas is a delicious, nutrient-rich meal that a dog can digest like a dream.
  • Grain-free food with chicken and pumpkin is a dog-friendly meal packed with fibre and lean protein.


Fuel your beloved pooch with tasty, grain-free dog food packed with whole ingredients and natural supplements. Our delicious recipes are specially formulated to boost your dog’s physical and mental wellbeing.

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